Print Badges in Advance
Print all your badges in advance and hand them out at check-in! Print them yourself or export the badges as a .PDF and send to your local printer to have them printed for you.

Print Badges at Venue
Have a printer available for use at check-in? Print badges as people check-in to your event so you only print badges for people that attend. The Check-In app can print right from your phone or tablet to a supported printer.
- Supported Printers
- Apple AirPrint Printers such as Brother QL-820NWB (iPad Only)
- Zebra LINK-OS with WiFi such as Zebra ZD420
Customize Badge Design
This badge design is created by you, for you. Choose the size of the badge. Upload your logo for some color and flare. Add a badge title, text and attendee information. Badges designed using Eventleaf online event management portal is also used on Eventleaf Check In App for on-site printing as attendees check in.