Create Surveys
Create custom surveys to gather event feedback. Add different types of questions such as multiple choice, single choice, yes/no, text and more

Invite Participants
Send survey invitation emails to the event attendees that you would like to participate in the survey. Emails can be sent immediately after a survey is published or it can be scheduled to be sent out at certain time via Eventleaf online event management portal.
Restrict Survey Access
Restrict survey access to specific groups of attendees such as those that checked in for a particular conference session. Or if this is a virtual event, to only those who watched the webinar or video presentation. You can configure all such restrictions and other settings via Eventleaf online event management portal.

Offer Participation Certificates
You can offer participation certificates to event attendees who successfully filled out the survey. Certificate can be customized and uploaded to Eventleaf online event management portal. Eventleaf substitutes name tokens with the event attendee's name before sending out the certificate a PDF.